Burnout is Hurting
Your Business's Bottom Line

Change the rules of the game

Re-imagine Work

Re-imagine what’s possible

Your workforce spends the majority of their waking hours working – or thinking about work. But does their level of professional satisfaction and productivity reflect that?

In recent years, corporate wellbeing companies have been trying to alleviate symptoms of work-related stress, mental health issues; presentism, absenteeism and high turnover rates.

But where has it taken us?

$322 billion

cost of lost productivity
& turnover globally,
due to employee burnout

Source: Forbes -estimated by the World Economic Forum, 2019.

Less than 1 in 4 U.S. employees

feel strongly that their organization cares about their wellbeing


Source: Gallup Research- Based on a random sample of 15,001 full and part-time U.S. employees, 2022.

Likelihood that respondents will leave their current job*, %

Source: ’The great attrition is making hiring harder’. McKinsey Quarterly, 2022. *- In the next 3-6 months

Talent Retention & Acquisition in a Changing Labor Market

Changing processes to
address labour shortages

Customizing HR strategy
based on employee type

Source: PwC Pulse Survey- Managing Business Risk (Business Leaders on Workforce Policy; Responses to ‘Have implemented’ or ‘Plan in place’), 2022: base of 722.

How do these values translate to your organization's state of affairs?